
Pensilva Celebrates World Book Day 2024

In preparation for our World Book Day celebrations all classes got creative! Each child designed and made a hat linked to 'The Wild Child' book that they had been reading in their classes.
We all dressed up in our hats for the day and proudly wore them in assembly at the start of the day! Some children also came to school dressed as their favourite book character.

We started the day with an assembly all about World Book Day and our favourite book characters.   


Throughout the day, children took part in workshops to respond to the information text ‘Wild Child’  in a range of ways:


*Maths – measuring trees in the Forest School area

*Writing – descriptive writing/poetry inspired by the birds we can see through the window

*Art – exploring textures in our environment and taking rubbings

*Music – creating soundscapes for different habitats

*Science – investigating habitats in our local area.

We had a great response from parents, carers and grandparents in the afternoon when they came in to classes to be read to and to read to their children. It was great to see our wider school community all sharing in their love of books and reading.


Everyone had a great day!