
Pensilva Primary Reading Champions

At Pensilva Primary School, we have passionate readers who have many great ideas for improving the reading experience at school even further. To enable the children to communicate their ideas and be fully involved in improving reading we have set up 'READING CHAMPIONS'.


Reading Champions are a group of student volunteers who work with Mrs. Sissons and Miss Tubby to look at ways to make reading opportunities at Pensilva Primary School even better.


Their initial ideas included:


  • reading clubs
  • improving the school library environment
  • competitions to promote reading
  • outside book area
  • surveying the views of all readers across the school
  • having lots of special reading days or mixed age reading activities
  • getting more poetry books

Their first big project...




The Reading Champions have worked enthusiastically to re-develop the main school library environment. They have:


  • re-organised the library space,
  • made the books more accessible by adding them to our Accelerated Reader Programme where possible,
  • ensured that everything is in the correct place, 
  • made sure that there is a great range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction books for all ages,
  • promoted great reads to others and showcased great books,
  • set up systems to keep the library organised inthe future,
  • updated displays to encourage reading,
  • updated signage so children know where to locate books.


It was a colossal project but their shared enthusiasm for reading was infectious and everyone kept going until the project was completed.


On Wednesday 3rd May the Reading Champions met the Liskeard librarian, who visited for the grand official opening of the school library. They were very excited and eagerly explained their design and how they had worked to improve the library for their fellow peers. She was very impressed and congratulated them on all their hard work.


It looks brilliant - well done Reading Champions!

The Reading Champions challenge now is to kept the library looking good and helping all the children to find great books to read as they challenge the next generation of Reading Champions!