- Tuesday 4th March - The start of an amazing art project with artist Sian Bush.
- Tuesday 4th March - Lent service @ church 2:30pm
- Wednesday 5th March - St. Piran's Day - Come in dressed in Cornish colours (black, white, gold, yellow and silver). There will be a pasty lunch (Please order as usual).
- Thursday 6th March - Class trip to the Royal Cornwall Museum in Truro for a Stone Age to Iron Age workshop.
- Friday 7th March - World Book Day - come dressed as a book character or non-school uniform. Parents/ carers are welcome to come before the end of the day @ 3pm to share a book with their children in class.
- Tuesday 11th and 18th March - continuation of the art project with Sian Bush.
- Thursday 20th March - Pentiddy Woods visit (More info to follow).
- Friday 21st March - Comic Relief Day
Welcome to Buzzards Class!
Hello, my name is Mrs Noblett and I am Buzzard's class teacher from Tuesday to Friday. Mr Davies teaches on a Monday and Friday afternoon.
Our teaching assistant is Miss Tubby.
Mr Jones will be teaching P.E. every Wednesday.
* PE kits need to be in school on a Tuesday and Wednesday every week. *
This half term we will be exploring the following elements:
Art: Tile making with Sian Bush
Music: Dynamics, pitch and tempo (Theme: Fingal's Cave)
Computing: Computing systems and networks: AI
Science: Light – Theatre Lighting Techniques
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
RE: Why do Hindus try to be good?
PSHE: Healthy Me
Spanish - Traditions and celebrations
In English, we are looking at persuasive writing, followed by formal letter writing.
In Maths, we are learning about decimals and percentages, followed by area and perimeter and then statistics.
If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mrs Noblett
Natalie Noblett: nnoblett@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk
Matt Davies: head@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk
Secretary: secretary@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk