
Doves Year 2

Welcome to our Class Page!

Hello, my name is Mrs Palfrey and I am the Dove class teacher!


Our teaching assistant is Mrs Harris.  


This half term we plan to be exploring the following elements and subjects:


Science: Seasonal Changes - Wild Weather.  We will be learning how to present data and make our own weather forecast to present to the class. We will play shadow tag and create bar charts to record shadow length over time. Finally, we will set up rain gauges to observe rainfall, make wind socks and create our own Beaufort Scale. 


R.E.: What is the good news Christians say Jesus brings (Gospel) Unit 1.4 

P.E.: Gymnastics (children will need their P.E. kit in school on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Art: Sculpture: Natural Materials – Andy Goldsworthy 

Geography: Oceans and Continents 

Computing: Creating media: Digital imagery

Music: Pitch (Theme: Superheroes) 

PSHE (Jigsaw): Dreams and Goals

MFL:  Spanish greetings, number to 10. 

In English, we are going to be reading different stories by the same author: Roald Dahl  

  • The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me 

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox 

and we will be learning to write instructions. 

In maths, we will be focusing on shape, money and multiplication/division.  


At home,  children can benefit greatly from the following activities to support their learning in school:

  • reading to and with an adult. Again we plan for the children to have a reading for pleasure daily session in school but the children need to also be reading at home as much as possible.
  • practicing spellings [weekly spellings to learn will be sent out each week].  

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

                    Kind regards,


                    Mrs. Palfrey



Welcome to our Dove Class weekly briefing section. I will communicate information that relates to all the exciting activities in Doves for the week ahead each week.  If you have any questions, please catch me at the start or the end of each day; leave a message via our school office or email me directly (bpalfrey@pensilva.cornwall.sch.uk)


  • Please refer to the last newsletter (emailed to parents) regarding the new school day timings.
  • Logins are being updated and will be sent home in the back of the reading record books, over the coming days/weeks.
  • Children all need an individual water bottle to keep themselves hydrated
  • We will be having P.E. each Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that PE kits are in school and are clearly named. 
  • We are aiming to give all children their reading record and the opportunity to chose two books to read for pleasure, during the first couple of days. One will be a book they have chosen within their ZPD range or RWI group (for your reference this is recorded in the front of their reading record) and the second will be a book they have chosen from the library. They may have selected a book within their range to read themselves, a simpler book perhaps to read to a younger sibling  or a challenging book that they would like you to read to them or share read with you. 

    Please secure times that you can read with your child - this has a massive impact on their learning. There are suggestions of prompt questions/comments for you to support  your children or for you to record a brief comment in the reading record.



Dove Class Home-School Weekly Communications
Week beginning 10.2.2025

Monday  Open the book assembly






Tuesday  PPA - Mrs. McDowell will be teaching Doves in the afternoon. 






Wednesday  PE with Mr. Jones- Please ensure that your PE kit is in school 






Thursday - PE - Please ensure that your PE kit is in school 






Friday - Non-school uniform - £1 donation to the PSA

              Spelling test

             New spellings for the week sent home. 

            Change library books.  





Homework Set: Spelling words will be tested on a Friday. We will be learning the spellings each morning in school too. You do not need to return the spelling sheet to school. 

 Top Marks - Hit the Button. (2x,5x,10x tables)

                   TTRS - 2 x table

CHILDREN NOW HAVE ACCESS TO ED SHED (SPELLING SHED). The logins are in the back of their reading records:

Sign in
'School Username'
Enter school name, username and password

Go to assignments at the top and choose games to play.

 TTRS - please can children go on 'Garage'. We are learning our 2 x table.