
Speaking and Listening




At Pensilva Primary School we aim to develop articulate speakers and confident, reflective listeners. We recognise that speaking and listening are building blocks of literacy (Literacy Trust 2021). Speaking and Listening are important strands which relate to the entire curriculum and impact on all learning. They are therefore integral to our whole school programmes of study.  Children need to be confident and engaged speakers and listeners to be able TO LIVE in their world and fully communicate within it and with others’ around them. They need to be able to listen to be able to experience and TO LOVE language and sounds and to develop the skills needed to communicate effectively within relationships with others. Well-developed oracy skills are vital for children TO LEARN in all subjects of the curriculum.


We aim to promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping our children with a strong command of the spoken word; discussion techniques in order to learn; the skills to elaborate, explain and clarify their understanding and ideas. We want them to be able to effectively communicate with the different audiences they may encounter for a range of purposes. These skills are integrated into all areas of the curriculum. As children progress on their learning journey at Pensilva Primary School they will:


  • Engage in meaningful discussions in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Listen to and learn a wide range of subject specific vocabulary.
  • Through reading identify vocabulary that enriches and enlivens stories.
  • Speak to small and larger audiences at frequent intervals.
  • Practise and rehearse sentences and stories, gaining feedback on the overall effect and the use of standard English.
  • Listen to and tell stories often so as to internalise the structure.
  • Debate issues and formulate well-constructed points.


Following the aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, Pensilva Primary School endeavours to ensure that the children are equipped to listen and respond appropriately to adults and peers; that they can ask relevant questions and use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary. Children are challenged to articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions. They are confidently able to maintain attention and participate in collaborative conversations, with enjoyment of using language in different contexts.