
Doves - Year 1 and 2

The children will be bringing home spellings to consolidate the spellings they have been learning across the year. Please learn these as the children will be tested on them once a week until the end of the term.

Welcome to Doves Class!


Hello, my name is Mrs Noblett and I am Dove's class teacher Tuesday to Friday. Mr Davies teaches on a Monday and Friday afternoon.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Bohay, Miss Jenkins and Mrs Treleven.  Mr Jones will be teaching P.E. every Thursday morning 11am - 12pm. 

This half term we will be exploring the following elements:

Design and technology - making a moving monster with levers and pivots

Music: KS1 inspirational project delivered by Sally Butlin

Computing: Algorithms and debugging



In English, we are looking at non-chronological reports about meerkats, followed by glossaries.

In maths, we are learning about multiplication and division, fractions and shape.


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursday so please ensure your child has a T.shirt, shorts and trainers. These can be kept in school and I will send them home every half term.


Homework will be set on a Friday and will include: 

  • Reading at least three times a week
  • Mathletics tasks
  • Common exception spellings to learn to read and write


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Mrs Noblett

The children have been having an amazing time in forest school. They have participated in den building, weaving, making friendship bracelets, sculpting clay hedgehogs and even having the occasional mud flight!
Doves have been learning about sculpture and the artist Artur Bordalo II. The children have sketched their favourite Artur Bordalo sculpture, used play dough to mould a sculpture and also learnt how paper and card can be manipulated to create different shapes. Finally we will make our own sculptures in the style of Artur Bordalo II. 
World Book Day 2023!