

Pensilva School PSA

Chairperson – Tamsyn Hicks
Treasurer     - Fiona Bell
Secretary     - Vicki Payne
Committee Members – , Carrie Hicks, , Sarah Evans, , Sarah McCaig, Helena Rance, Maria Warner, Sam Britten and Carly Gisby

What is the PSA?

Actually named the Pensilva School Parent Staff Association we are a registered charity made up of volunteer parents/carers and staff who raise funds for Pensilva School. At the annual general meeting in October we nominate a Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer and have a committee of willing volunteers.

Where do the funds go?

All the money raised by the PSA goes directly back to the children of Pensilva School to enable them to have those extra things that funding does not cover. Each year we pay for the children’s sunscreen, school leavers presents, we donate an amount to each classroom to buy extras, help towards the cost of; transport for school trips and visiting theatre performances and much more.

How are the funds raised?

We have three main fundraising periods.  At Christmas we hold a Christmas fair and raffle as well as providing refreshments for the Christmas performances. At Easter we hold a raffle and in the summer we have a summer fair and raffle. With committed and enthusiastic people, we are ready to try anything to have fun and raise funds. This has included; jumble sales, cake sales, farmer markets, discos and dog shows. Any further ideas are always welcome!

We raise approximately £2,500 per year.  This is how we have supported the school over the years:

Theatre Visit

National Trust Membership

Sun Creams

Woodlands Bus Yr 6

Leavers Gifts

Class Contributions (£150 per class)

Contribution toward benches

Contribution towards Visualisers


How can you help?

We need as many people as possible who would like to come along to committee meetings to bring new ideas and help out at fundraising events.

Committee Meetings are held on a regular basis and the upcoming dates are notified in the school newsletter.

If you are unable to make these meetings but would still like to be involved and help out at events, please let us know  - we value your help.

Please don’t be shy, it’s a great way to meet other like minded parents who want to raise funds to enable our children to have a wide variety of extras and experiences that support the school curriculum and promote our school.

The PSA annual general meeting (AGM) is held in October of each year whereby the roles of the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer of the PSA are nominated for the upcoming year.

New members are always welcome - if you or someone you know would like to be involved, please see the school office or catch one of us in the playground.